This app was made based on three concepts to encourage child development.
1. Can be intuitively navigated by touch.
2. Encourages play, learning, ambition through a sense of accomplishment and understanding.
3. Interacting cooperatively with adults is good experience for children and helps to encourage development.
You can enjoy the content which you can actually play music in this version.
“Drawing Rainbows”
Rainbow Circles
Just like tossing a pebble into a water surface, create rainbow-colored ripples.
Touch the screen and a rainbow-colored ripple will appear and gradually fades away.
Rainbow Bar
A rainbow-colored bar will rotate and leave its trace. Slide the curser slowly and you may find an unexpected shape.
“Piano at a starry Night”
You can enjoy “manual play” and “automatic play” modes.
Touch the crescent moon at the upper right, you can switch mode between the automatic play and the manual play.
This apps you touch stars and the keyboard for operation.
Manual Play Mode
Let’s play the piano by touching white keys. The color of keys you touched will change and tones will be generated. If you touch a star it will fall onto a key to play a note. If you touch a twinkling star it will turns into a shooting star to play a chord.
Automatic Play
Touch any white key to enjoy a lovely animation and music. Three variations of music and animation will be played randomly. Interaction with stars in the sky in this mode is the same as in the manual play mode.